“All Points Bulletin” for the White Rose

Since the circumstances imply that this case deals with traveling perpetrators who will likely appear in other southern German locations, I have made the plain clothes police [Note 1] in Munich, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Regensburg, and Würzburg aware of the material contents of the observations to date and requested their cooperation in the war-time search efforts (train inspections). Continue reading

Alexander Schmorell – Salzburg and Linz

So we would not have to use 12-Pfennig [$0.96] postage stamps for letters to the out-of-town addresses, we decided to distribute these leaflets (some simply folded, some placed in envelopes) by taking them to the city in question for mailing. For this reason, I took the fast train from Munich to Salzburg at the end of January 1943 (the Salzburg mailing took place on January 26, 1943), carrying several hundred letters. Continue reading

Alexander Schmorell re production of fifth leaflet

In contrast to the “White Rose” leaflet, we wrote, duplicated, and distributed the leaflet “Call to All Germans” in Scholl’s residence. In the composition of this leaflet, we were solely concerned about continuing our political revolutionary movement [Note 1], which by its very nature was leveled at the Führer. Continue reading