Gestapo summary: Gisela and the leaflets

When Hans Scholl’s political activity became especially evident the week before his arrest and he and his accomplice Schmorell stayed in the apartment nights, Schertling became convinced that the two of them were involved in treasonous activity. Her suspicions were strengthened when she was with Hans Scholl daily (and spent the night there) the week before his arrest when Sophie Scholl was gone. Continue reading

Willi Graf at Scholls’ apartment

Last Friday, I visited him for the last time in his apartment. At this moment, I could not say whether his sister (who lives in the same apartment) was also present. During these visits, we primarily discussed literary matters more than any other topic. As far as I know Hans Scholl, he is among those German men who have dedicated themselves to a German victory. Incidentally, I am shocked that such a question could even be posed during this time of war. Continue reading

Willi Graf stops by to help print leaflets

Before I left [to go skiing], I stopped by Scholl’s apartment around 4 pm, where Hans Scholl or Schmorell were already busy typing the stencil for the leaflet entitled “German Students” or “Fellow Students”. In my presence, Scholl and Schmorell began the production of that leaflet. At first, it was not working properly. And finally, I had to leave because I had to get ready for my trip. Continue reading

Wolf Jaeger visits Hans Scholl

It is possible that I saw the student Jaeger [Note 1] in Scholl’s apartment on either February 12 or 13, 1943. On that occasion, Jaeger brought Scholl a book from the National Library [Staatsbibliothek]. They talked for about half an hour. Willi Graf was also present. I could tell from the conversation which primarily was about literary matters that Jaeger had studied at the University of Freiburg. Continue reading

Alexander Schmorell re addressing of sixth leaflet

Either the next day, or the day after that, Hans Scholl and I set about getting our leaflets ready to mail. We used an older student directory (I believe Scholl owned something like that) and randomly copied out the addresses of students [Note 1] who lived in Munich. Continue reading